A Portland-based author has written a book on the dramatic escape of a prisoner of war after finding forgotten notebooks he had bought at auction.

David Wilkins’ new book, Blighty or Bust, details the 2,000 mile journey of Private Raymond Bailey as he escapes a PoW camp in occupied France during the Second World War for British Gibraltar.

Private Raymond Bailey, who was 21 when he left for warPrivate Raymond Bailey, who was 21 when he left for war (Image: David Wilkins)

He penned the story from 16 notebooks that were part of an auction for a box of old books and papers that he speculatively bought. 

The extraordinary story was written within a couple of years of the events it describes, which could make Private Bailey one of the youngest ever to write at length of his experiences, according to Mr Wilkins.

He said: “It is incredible to have discovered the authentic voice of a rank and file, working class conscript, telling a story that has remained unknown for over 80 years.

"It was sketchily described and I gambled on the auction but it turns out I was very very lucky when I realised what I'd bought. I buy old papers quite a lot but this was definitely my best buy."

Private Bailey was a 21-year-old apprentice engineer from Dunstable, Bedfordshire when he was called up for military service in October 1939.

After eight months of training, he found himself among the hundreds of thousands of British and French troops defending France from invasion.

As the British army were being driven back to the Normandy coast, more than 350,000 men were saved in the Dunkirk evacuation.

However, thousands were left behind, and Private Bailey was of 10,000 soldiers captured at the Battle of Saint Valery on June 12, 1940.

Six months after his capture, just in time for Christmas, Private Bailey was back home in Dunstable eating dinner with his parents after making the long journey to Gibraltar where he was repatriated.

Mr Wilkins explains: “It’s a story of close calls and courage, but also a story of human kindness.

“Ray is befriended, concealed and cared for by ordinary French and Spanish people, who have little enough of their own.

“At times, he is exhausted and starving but youthful in energy, unfailing optimism and his instinct for impulsive decision making keep him going.”

Blighty or Bust will be published on Tuesday, August 20 and be available from high street bookshops or online retailers.

Pre-publication copies of the book, signed by the author, are available from the gift shop at Portland Museum- where Mr Wilkins is a trustee. Discounted copies of the book are available with £3 of each sale going to the museum.