POLICE seized a "combat-style" knife from a boy in Weymouth town centre.

CCTV operators observed a young male acting suspiciously around the train station in Weymouth.

He appeared to be secreting an item down his trousers which they suspected to be a weapon of some sort.

Officers were in the town on 100 Days Of Summer patrols so he was quickly detained by officers on The Esplanade where he and two other young males were searched.

A l"arge combat style knife" was located in a rucksack and seized on Friday, August 9.

A spokesperson for Weymouth and Portland Police said: "The individual involved was interviewed on Monday afternoon where he made a full admission to having the knife in his possession.

"He will be referred to our youth out-of-court team and the youth offending team to be dealt with as they see fit.

"There is absolutely no place for anyone to be carrying a knife in public.

"Carrying a knife does not make you safer, it only puts you at a greater risk of being hurt or stabbed."