A woman has spoken of her heartache following the tragic death of her dog after it ingested ‘a highly toxic poison.’

Marie Robinson of Weymouth returned from a morning walk with her six-year-old Jack Russell Daisy, when she noticed the dog started ‘rocking backwards and forwards like she was drunk.’

She phoned the vets and took Daisy there straight away and it turned out that the animal was fitting as a result of eating a highly poisonous substance.

Sadly, Daisy had to be put down.

DaisyDaisy (Image: Marie Robinson)

Now, Marie wants to raise awareness about what happened so that no one else has to go through the same heartbreak.

She said: “It was so bad; she was fitting from 10.15am – 5pm which is when they had to put her down. She would not come out of the seizures.

“Even if she had pulled through, after the seizures, she would not have been the same dog. It was heart-breaking.

“I reckon that I must have been home for around 10 minutes and then she started rocking backwards and forwards like she was drunk. I rang the vets and took her straight there.”

Marie explained that the vet told her, ‘whatever Daisy had ingested would have taken 20 minutes to impact her.’

The walk started from Corscombe Close to the beginning of the Rodwell Trail, over to Wyke Bridge, across part of the Marsh, back along the Rodwell Trail and then home.

Marie believes that Daisy must have ingested the toxin along the Rodwell TrailMarie believes that Daisy must have ingested the toxin along the Rodwell Trail (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Marie believes that her dog must have picked up the toxic substance during the Rodwell Trail portion of the walk.

This is a route that she takes often with her two dogs, and fortunately Scooby, her other Jack Russell, did not appear to eat anything toxic.

Scooby (left) and DaisyScooby (left) and Daisy (Image: Marie Robinson)

She said: “You just don’t expect to go out on a nice walk in the morning and for it to end so tragically. I just can’t believe that she couldn’t fight it.

“I don’t have kids. My dogs are my kids.

“The last Jack Russell that I owned lived for more than 18 years. This was just cruel and tragic, and I want people to be aware.”

Following all the heartache, Marie was also left with a vet bill of £1,174.25.