A ROW has erupted over decisions surrounding the drop-off point for cruise ship shuttle buses.

Portland Port has hit back at comments from Dorset Council about the use of Spring Road in Weymouth as a drop-off point.

And residents who have to put up with buses dropping off and picking up hundreds of passengers in narrow streets near their homes are furious over a council U-turn not to use the North Quay car park as an alternative site.

READ: Residents 'very disappointed' over shuttle bus U-turn

While cruise ship tourism is a boost for the area, many passengers choose to visit Weymouth with shuttle buses dropping them in Spring Road behind Brewers Quay. There has been tension about this location due to traffic problems.

(Image: Supplied)

It was hoped North Quay near the harbour could be used instead but after discussions Dorset Council now says this will only be a contingency. It is allowing the continued use of Spring Road with conditions attached regarding signs, marshals and avoiding 'stacking' of buses.

READ: 'Not viable': Residents remain 'disappointed' at cruise ship bus drop-off point

Dorset Council told the Echo the "activity of the cruise ship coaches and their passengers is entirely the responsibility of Portland Port" - comments which have not gone down well with port bosses.

A Portland Port spokesperson said: “We have been rather surprised to see Dorset Council’s statement regarding the cruise shuttle bus operation because the drop-off is located where the council tells us to site it.

“Following discussions and monitoring of the service, Dorset Council decided, and formally notified the port in writing, that Spring Road should continue to be used with the option of North Quay offered as an additional site.

“This followed a previous instruction advising that we would have to switch all services to North Quay.”

(Image: Supplied)

READ: Dorset Council to continue using Spring Road for port buses

The spokesperson said the port is continuing to work with the council, as highways authority, and would welcome the opportunity to use North Quay on very busy days.

The spokesperson added: “We will continue to review the operation of the complimentary shuttle bus service to ensure it runs in the best way possible.   “Since 2023 we have worked with a professional company which provide traffic management for every cruise call.  “We also work closely with our bus operator to stagger the departure of vehicles from the quayside as well as implementing procedures to limit the number of buses that are dropping off or collecting at Spring Road, at any one time.”

Dorset Council has re-iterated that it will only use North Quay car park in exceptional circumstances.

A spokesperson said: “The use of North Quay car park as an alternative location for the coaches was investigated but due to a number of factors, it was agreed with Portland Port that this would only be used in exceptional circumstances.

“The current drop-off arrangement is Portland Port’s preference. Under highway law we have no grounds to stop them continuing, if their vehicles don’t obstruct the carriageway.”

Meanwhile, residents say they are 'very disappointed' over the decision not to use North Quay and believe Dorset councillors should have been consulted.

They cited an example from July 3 when two ships - carrying a total of 4,300 passengers - docked on the same day, and said the roads were "ridiculously busy".

They said there was no facilities in the area and that visitors queuing for buses had no shelter from the heat.

In a letter the residents said: "We enjoy speaking with the passengers at the drop off point.

"Almost every single one is sympathetic to our complaint and can't understand why the buses don't take them directly into town and instead drop them in the middle of a building site, especially older passengers who are not able to make it even as far as Town Bridge.

"We hope that Dorset Council will reconsider their decision and find a more suitable location for the shuttle buses."