THESE photos show beautiful Dorset during the summer 2024 heatwave in Dorset.

This past week has seen temperatures hotter than Ibiza in Weymouth, with the mercury reaching 30c on Tuesday, and the resort fully justifying its affectionate 'Weybiza' nickname!

These sunny scenes have been captured by our Dorset Camera Club photographers and they are our 10 favourites showing the extremely hot past few days which drew a lot of people to the coast.

Click into the interactive gallery above to see these photos full-sized

We really loved these photos:

*People enjoying sunny Weymouth - Debs Baker

*Glimpse of Portland Bill through the wild flowers - Rustic Photos

*Portland Bill - Mark Eggleton

*Punch and Judy on Weymouth beach - Peter Harriman

*Sunset at Chesil Beach - Shazz Hooper

*At Bramble Bush Bay - Claire Wilkinson

*Beachgoers enjoying Swanage - Clive Metcalfe

*Colourful skies at Weymouth - Clairemarie Saunders

*First fireworks of the summer in Weymouth - Noel Wittin

*Fishing off Portland - Sara Regina Cseke

Join our club

WOULD you like to see your photographs in the Dorset Echo and online?

More than 6,900 readers have joined or Dorset Camera Club, which brings together talented photographers from across Dorset to share their work, swap tips and take part in themed monthly prize competitions.

To join the free club, simply search for ‘Dorset Camera Club’ on Facebook or click here - we’d love to see what our region looks like through your lens.

We will feature pictures from our camera club in the Echo and online regularly.

If you like seeing photos of York, please follow us on Instagram too