Developers are 'champing at the bit' to get going on a derelict site in Weymouth.

Proposals to build 140 homes and facilities in Newton's Cove have been accepted in principle by Dorset Council and developers Juno Development are moving forward with their plans.

The development of the former QinetiQ Bincleaves site is also set to create 558 temporary jobs in the local area during the construction face, and once complete, 142 full-time jobs, according to the developers.

Plans  are for up to 140 homes, a 60-bed care home, gym, swimming pool and spa, 1,200 square metres of office or light industrial space, together with a restaurant and public open spaces to be built on the site which has remained unused for over a decade.

The last publicly quoted cost of the development was around £70 million.

READ: Development plans for Newton's Cove site in Weymouth

CGI of Newton's Cove development in Weymouth CGI of Newton's Cove development in Weymouth (Image: Juno Developers)

The development would also involve works to stabilise cliffs and sea defence protection.

However, work will not likely begin until early 2025, as detailed plans now need to be submitted to Dorset Council, know as a reserve matters application.

This follows outline planning consent which was given in March and now reserved matters must be submitted to gain the right for development.

This deals with the outstanding details which were omitted from the outline planning application. This can include appearance, means of access, landscaping, layout and scale.

The details of the reserved matters application must be in line with the outline approval, including any conditions attached to the permission. 

READ: Newton's Cove development plans will 'transform Weymouth'

The outline decision notice, issued by the council, will state which matters were reserved for later approval.

Plans for the sea defences also need to be approved by the Environement Agency .

James Dean, CEO of Juno Developments, said: "We are champing at the bit to get going and we are in the process of submitting our Reserve Matters Application  in about 10 weeks to Dorset Council.

"We have outline consent for 140 units and we are now turning that into a detailed application.

"We also have to submit an application to the Environement Agency to approve the sea defences.

"Following wind, we aim to be on site in the spring."