THERE was a guy walking his dog on a short lead along the sea’s edge on Weymouth beach.

After I saw what this man and his dog did, I have not since taken my children back to Weymouth beach.

There were hundreds of people on the beach. The dog squatted down and did a huge pile of dog poo just on the water’s edge where the sea washes gently up and down the sand. With each wave the sea water washed up over the big pile of poo, and then receded back down into the sand.

Groups of children were playing all along that same sea edge; running, jumping, splashing around, scooping up the water in their hands.

The bloke walking the dog on the short lead looked down at the enormous pile of dog poo his dog had just done on the water’s edge, as if he was checking the health of his dog, or else just simply fascinated by what his dog was capable of.

He clearly saw exactly what his dog had done and waited patiently for him to finish.

Then he just carried on walking, leaving the huge pile of dog poo on the water’s edge with the waves gently washing up and down the sand over it, where groups of children were playing splashing around in the water.

Nobody said anything to the guy, nobody called him out. Who wants to get into a row or a fight with someone when they’ve come down to the beach to relax with their family.

The manner of this guy walking along the beach gave me the impression that he does this walk regularly with his dog along the water’s edge, perhaps every day. Every day, putting another pile of dog poo into the hands and eyes and mouths of young children.

I have no doubt that nothing will be done about this. Given that this kind of thing has been going on for years, and no one has thought it worth bothering to stop up to now, why should anything be likely to change?

But I don’t want the incident to go by without you being aware that this is happening and there are some people who really don’t like it.

I see on the Dorset Echo website, someone is complaining about horses on the beach, and frankly the horses do not bother me at all.

Horses are vegetarian so manure is processed vegetable matter and much less dangerous and less disgusting than the faeces produced by dogs that typically eat processed contaminated meat.

Also of course, horse manure is much easier to spot.


A concerned resident