Almost £500 worth of items were stolen from town centre shops.

Two ‘known shoplifters’ were arrested earlier this week after stealing a number of items from Weymouth shops, including includes bottles of alcohol from gin and whiskey to washing powder and detergent.

Upon further investigations police have discovered that the value of the stolen items is actually £460, rather than the initially estimated to be around £300.

The pair were subsequently charged with two counts of shoplifting each and are due to appear in court.

READ MORE: Pair arrested in Weymouth after stealing £300 worth of goods

A spokesperson for Weymouth and Portland Police said: “In a follow up to our recent incident involving two shoplifters arrested at the beginning of the week for a bulk theft from a town centre express store, we have an update on the amount taken.

“The amount stolen has increased from just over £300.00 as initially thought to a final total of £460.00, both parties were charged with two counts of shoplifting each and have been summonsed to court for the offences.

“A brilliant result, all items were recovered and returned to the stores involved. Our strong no-nonsense stance of arresting shoplifters and providing them transport to custody is showing benefit.”