TWO police officers from Dorset are in Paris to provide security at the Olympics. 

PD Jeff and handler PC Hillier, of Dorset Police, were hand picked by the French authorities for the global event. 

The pair have already been assisting with a range of security and public safety matters and will continue to do so throughout the two-week event. 

Dorset Police’s spokesman said: “We’re very proud that our amazing PD Jeff and handler PC Hillier, along with colleagues from the wider south west, have been handpicked by French authorities to support the sporting security in Paris for the Olympics. 

“Jeff and PC Hillier have already been assisting with a range of security and public safety matters and will continue to do so throughout the event.  

“This large scale security operation see’s policing and military teams from all around the world coming together to search the Olympic Village and event venues.  

“We’re very proud to be representing, not only Britain but our home force of Dorset on the world stage.” 

Security has been high in Paris in the build-up to the historic opening ceremony, in which athletes will travel down the River Seine on a flotilla of boats. 

On Sunday, a Russian man, Kirill Gryaznov, was arrested at his flat in Paris accused of being a spy who was part of a plot to disrupt the Games. 

Russia is officially barred from the Games due to its war in Ukraine, although just over a dozen athletes from the country are being allowed to compete as neutrals. 

There was no immediate link between the incidents, which involved fires being laid across the tracks, and Russia or Belarus.