A teenager broke into a shop armed with a knife and stole the till containing £550.

David Barkham, 19, smashed his way into the Creams dessert café in Dray Horse Yard, Brewery Square, Dorchester and left with the till in a 'bag for life', a court heard.

Magistrates heard the defendant has a drug habit and was desperate for money.

Barkham, of Church Street in Dorchester, admitted offences at Weymouth Magistrates’ Court.

He was charged with burglary other than dwelling with intent to steal, possession of a controlled drug of class B – ketamine, and possessing a knife blade/sharp pointed article in a public place.

Two of the charges relate to an incident on June 23 this year when the defendant broke into Creams with the intent to steal, and was armed with a knife.

As reported, police issued a CCTV appeal following the burglary at Creams with images released of a man they wanted to identify.

The other charge Barkham admitted was that on July 3 he had in his flat a quantity of ketamine, a controlled drug of class B.

Tara Olney, prosecuting at the magistrates court, said: “At around 6.30am on Sunday June 23, the defendant broke into Creams in Brewery Square.

“The manager reviewed CCTV footage later that day.

“He saw the defendant enter the building using a rock to smash the glass.

“He was seen taking the till using a knife to cut the cable.

“The till contained £550 in cash.

“He was seen taking the till away in a bag for life.

“On July 3, he handed himself in to police, his property is searched and ketamine was found.

“He admitted he had taken the knife out with him on the night.

Simon Lacey, mitigating, said: “He is 19 years old, has no previous convictions and made early admissions, including handing himself into police.

“He has a drug habit and was desperate for money for drugs.

“His issues are around using ketamine and weed (cannabis).

“The knife was connected to the burglary and was not anything more sinister.”

The case was adjourned until Thursday, September 26 at Weymouth Magistrates' Court, for pre-sentence reports to be prepared.

Barkham was released on unconditional bail.