Work to complete repairs to Weymouth's harbour wall have been delayed yet again.

'Unknown' utility services were found on the site at North Quay which contractors have had to treat as 'live' until it was determined that they did not pose a risk.

This means that work originally expected to be completed in the spring of 2024 will now not be completed until at least early September.

READ: Harbour wall to be repaired by end of June

In February, a 50-metre section of the wall collapsed leaving the green and white railings along side the wall suspended in mid-air as the wall beneath sagged into the water.

This led to an additional £70,000 being added on to the project which was already costed at around £1 million.

The footpath is closed as repairs are being done The footpath is closed as repairs are being done (Image: Andy Jones)

As reported, Dorset Council said that the collapse of the wall and the subsequent additional repair work would be completed by the end of June.

However, the council now says that the most recent delay is only a four week delay on its 'previous schedule'.

READ : Part of the harbour wall in Weymouth has collapsed

A spokesperson for Dorset Council said: "The work is scheduled to finish in early September. This is a delay of around four weeks on the previous schedule as our contractor discovered a number of unknown services which had to be treated as 'live' until utility companies could confirm they did not pose a risk."

Work will continue until early SeptemberWork will continue until early September (Image: Andy Jones)

The repairs have meant that the footpath on the harbourside has been closed since the work began with part of the road also blocked along North Quay.

The council spokesperson added: "The footpath will reopen as soon as it is safe for us to do so. This will likely coincide with the work concluding in early September."

READ: Massive bill to repair Weymouth harbour wall

The repairs are being funded from the Levelling Up Fund to redevelop the area via a government grant of £19.5 million. 

The demolition of the former council offices at North Quay has already taken place with a temporary car park being built in its place. 

READ: Major £1m plan to repair crumbling Weymouth harbour wall

Work around the harbour side does not stop there as more repairs are to be carried out on the town bridge in the autumn.

The bridge will see one lane of traffic closed for around one week as the council undertakes 'investigative works' on corrosive parapets. 

The council has also said that more work will be carried out on the bridge in 2025.