The famous ‘Dorset Knobs’ biscuit factory at Morcombelake could be converted into eight homes.

A planning application for the change has been lodged with Dorset Council for the Bakery Lane site by Moores Biscuits Ltd, now based in Bridport.

It asks for seven two-bed properties, and one three-bed home with nine parking spaces between them, similar to the amount of parking already on the site.

The site has been used as a bakery since 1880 until a fall in demand led to the business being moved in 2006. Over the years extensions have been added to the site with the older sections painted in light red or dark orange and the more recent sections painted cream.

(Image: Jennie Mulcahey)

Access to the site is directly off the A35 which the application say used safely to be used by large lorries.

Said the planning application: “The site lies disused as it no longer serves its purpose as the biscuit factory. As such, it is a distinct possibly that this prominent landmark which forms part of the region’s culinary heritage could fall into disrepair and face complete collapse.

“This application seeks consent for the conversion of the former bakery into 8no. dwellinghouses, including replacing the roof in its entirety. The scheme also seeks consent for the formation of parking spaces for 10 vehicles and also for the associated drainage works necessary to facilitate the conversion.”

The proposed units vary between 58square metres and 121square metres, most with undercroft parking.

The application says the income from the sale of the site is expected to be returned to the existing biscuit-making business with a future application to expand the Bridport site, creating new job opportunities.

Two public comments have been received on the plans so far, with comments remaining open until August 8th (reference 2024/02017).

One says “Great idea, the building looks so sad as you drive by. The houses will Have great views! Good luck.”

The other, an immediate neighbour, says that whilst in favour of a sensitive redevelopment the plans submitted seem excessive.

“The lane is very narrow and the space outside our entrance and the bakery itself already quite restricted. Having so many other vehicles accessing the space on a regular basis, and needing to negotiate the access seems as if it would cause problems for all of us. Also, I’m concerned about the issue of overlooking, as it seems to me that the proposed flats and terraces would significantly overlook our garden, which is currently a secluded and tranquil place.”