A MUM who decided to become a councillor to stand up for young families is celebrating an 'outstanding milestone.'

Tributes have been paid to Dorset’s longest-serving councillor - Dorchester's Stella Jones - after more than 50 years of continuous service.

She was first elected to the former West Dorset District Council in 1973 aged 27, where she continued to serve until 2019.

She then joined Dorset Council in April 2019 when the new council was created.

The three-time mayor has fulfilled many council roles over the years including serving Dorchester Town Council for 45 years. She is now the Chair of Dorset Council following the local elections in May.

Cllr Jones said she was motivated to join the council to ensure voices of young families were heard.

She said: “I was a busy mother with four children, having to find babysitters, take children to school and after school activities - my husband was also a councillor, so he was busy with meetings too.

“The council was very male dominated then, and there was a lack of facilities and services for young families, such as playgrounds and dropped kerbs where you could get around with a pram.”

She added: “There have been many changes over the years. There is much more respect from officers and other councillors, especially for women, and younger members now.

“Contact with residents and officers is much easier now, thanks to the internet.”

Asked whether she would recommend being a councillor, she said: “It gives me great satisfaction to serve the community and help others and I continue to immensely enjoy my time as their councillor.

“My advice to newly elected councillors is to keep in touch with all your residents. Listen to their views and visit anyone who contacts you with a problem.

“We’re here to represent our community and that’s got to be the overwhelming influence in your decision to be a councillor. 

“Stick to your principles and clearly state your views – but don’t talk too much or people will stop listening."

Leader of Dorset Council, Cllr Nick Ireland, said: “It is an astonishing feat for anyone to serve continuously for 50 years – Stella has not only achieved this outstanding milestone but also has diligently represented the same area of Dorset throughout.

“She is an inspiration to anyone looking to get involved with public service.”