A seven day conference celebrating the life of a Dorset author returns this weekend.

The Thomas Hardy Society are inviting the public to celebrate the author, his life and works through a series of lectures, walks, and entertainment.

Starting on Saturday, July 27, the event, now in its twenty-sixth year, will run all week through to Saturday, August 3 with registration taking place from 12pm at the United Church on South Street in Dorchester.

Keynote speakers will include Pamela Dalziel, Roshan Doug, Phillip Mallett, Isabelle Gadoin, Rachel Worth, Oindrilla Ghosh, Anna Burton and Jeremy Newton. Locals David Taylor, and chair of the Dorchester Civic Society Ian Gosling will also give a talk.

Trips are also on offer, including to Hardy’s cottage as well as Cornwall, Wareham, Fordington and Weymouth to learn more about the author, with tours given by local historians including Mark Chutter.

On Monday, July 29 between 5pm to 6pm, an open-air performance of a play concerning the life and death of Mary Channing at Maumbury Rings will be performed by the Wey Valley Academy. Mr Chutter will give a talk on Channing's life at the Shire Hall prior to the play. 

There will also be a barn dance on Friday, August 2 at the Brownsword Hall in Poundbury with the Wessex Ceilidh Band with caller, Angela Laycock.   

The society was founded in 1968 to promote and understanding and appreciation of Thomas Hardy, 

For more information, a full programme of talks and trips, and to book places, visit https://www.hardysociety.org/