AN urgent appeal has been launched to find a missing man in Purbeck.

Stephen Breen, aged 52, is believed to have last been in the area of South Beach in Studland during the evening of Monday, July 22.

Inspector Wes Green, of Dorset Police, said: “We understand Stephen has been upset recently and we need to urgently find him to ensure he is safe and well.”

Stephen is described as six feet tall and of slim build and was last seen wearing blue shorts and a black top.

Inspector Green added: “Searches are being carried out in the area and I would ask anyone who has seen Stephen, or a man matching the description given, to please come forward.

“If you see this appeal Stephen, please get in touch with us or your loved ones as we all just want to make sure you are OK.”

Anyone with information or knowledge as to Stephen's whereabouts can contact Dorset Police at or by calling 101, quoting incident number 22:617.