A coffee morning has raised more than £500 to support people in Dorchester living in financial crisis.  

Volunteers for Dorchester Poverty Action hosted an annual fundraising event with cakes, plants, books and bric-a-brac for sale. 

A total of £577 was raised on the day which will go towards providing grants to local people in DT1 and DT2 by referral from local caring agencies such as Citizens Advice, health visitors, tenancy support officers, social workers, GP surgeries, and local charities.

Dorchester Mayor Robin Potter and his wife Val opened the event and spoke to volunteers about the charity's work. 

Wendy Hilton, chairman of Dorchester Poverty Action said: “This will make a lot of difference to those living in DT1 and DT2 as we are a very local charity. 

"With nearly £600 we can provide two new washing machines for those with a young family or incontinence issues; or two grants of furniture by referral to Dorset Reclaim for a young person coming out of the care system and moving into their first home or to someone escaping domestic abuse; or school uniform and shoes for 6 young people. 

"In the first quarter of this year we have raised £13,000 and spent all £13,000 on local people.  We employ no staff and the charity is run totally by volunteers, raising the money   and providing the grants by referral, from over 20 different local professional agencies.  We would like to thank everyone for their continued support”

More information about the charity can be found on the website:  www.dorchesterpovertyaction.org.uk