ENVIRONMENTAL groups held a ‘funeral for nature’ in Purbeck over the weekend. 

Extinction Rebellion, Sustainable Wareham, Surfers Against Sewage, Christian Climate Action and Zero Hour gathered in Swanage to mourn the loss of nature to global warming. 

To a solemn drumbeat, formally dressed pall bearers carried a coffin high followed by a procession of mourners.  

Fifty people marched along in silence along Shore Road, with the coffin was topped with a wreath of single use plastic and a papier-mâché bird.  

The Funeral for Nature concept was to raise awareness and get people talking about the need for a more rapid response to the climate and nature crisis we are in, according to the groups. 

Image by Jon Wills (Image: Extinction Rebellion)

Karina, a visitor to Swanage, said: “For me this procession, against the backdrop of people and families enjoying the beautiful Purbeck countryside and coast brings home just how much is at stake.” 

Patrick Tighe, from Stoborough, added: “My daughter and I were alerted to the procession by the sombre beat of the drums. 

“The coffin and the mourner’s attire has certainly made us both reflect on the damaging impact humans are having on nature.”  

Curious onlookers were requesting the beautifully crafted Order of Service pamphlets from stewards. 

Karen Naylor, of Sustainable Wareham, said: “If we all choose to make just a few changes for nature we can ensure that Sunday’s mock funeral never actually takes place along our beautiful coast.”  

Rod Harris, from Extinction Rebellion, added: “This is the first protest I have taken part in where people are actively asking for leaflets.”  

The pamphlets highlighted “the need for urgent action to restore nature across the UK”, gave facts about the nature crisis and some suggestions for individual change. 

(Image: Extinction Rebellion)

It also urged residents to ask their MPs to sign up to the Climate and Nature Bill. The Bill is the only proposed legislation before the UK Parliament that ensures a comprehensive approach to global warming. 

A Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs spokesman said: “Nature underpins everything. That is why this government is absolutely committed to restoring and protecting nature. 

“We will ensure the Environmental Improvement Plan is fit for purpose and focused on delivering our Environment Act targets, improve access to nature and protect our landscapes and wildlife.”