A woman who stole a balaclava from a Weymouth shop on Christmas Eve has been fined for breaching her conditional discharge.

Magistrates said she had 'disregard' for the sentence previously imposed by the court.

Kyra Anderson, 21, was charged with one count of theft from a shop.

On December 24, 2023, she stole a balaclava worth £11.99 from Mountain Warehouse on St Mary Street.

She pleaded guilty to the charge.

The offence put her in breach of a conditional discharge which was imposed by the court on October 2023 for shoplifting.

Anderson, of Colliton Street, Dorchester admitted she had breached the condition.

Kate Moore, prosecuting, said: “On December 24 last year, Anderson was at a shopping centre in Weymouth.

“A shop watch radio alerted officers to shoplifters in Weymouth.

“Anderson was searched and police found a black balaclava with a Mountain Warehouse tag.

“She has five previous convictions and was given a six-month conditional discharge from her last offence in October 2023.

The court heard that Anderson was unemployed and claims Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

Simon Lacey, mitigating, said: “The balaclava was returned to the shop so there is no need for compensation.

"It was not worth a large amount, the item that was stolen.

“She suffers from emotionally unstable personality disorder and depression.

“I asked her why she did it and she said ‘It was so long ago I can’t remember'.

“There is nothing to suggest anything else has happened between December and now.

"This could be dealt with by an extension of the discharge which is already in place.”

Kate Ball, chair of the Magistrates’ bench said: “We are not persuaded that the conditional discharge should be extended.

“The purpose of a conditional discharge is to say if you do it again, you will be punished.

“It has not stopped you and you have shown disregard for the conditional discharge.

“Therefore we will deal with this by a financial penalty.”

Anderson was fined £120, and ordered to pay a surcharge of £48 and court costs of £85.