Thousands of trade unionists are attending the Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival this weekend amid continuing union delight at new workers’ rights promised by the Labour government.

The event runs from Friday to Sunday, commemorating six Dorset farmworkers transported to Australia after forming a union in 1834.

Business and Employment Minister Justin Madders will address the event on Sunday, speaking after TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak.

Other speakers at the Dorset event include Unite general secretary Sharon Graham, TUC president Matt Wrack and Palestinian ambassador Dr Husam Zomlot.

READ: Tolpuddle Martyrs' Festival to be held this weekend

TUC South West regional secretary Ines Lage said: “Tolpuddle is a key event in the trade union calendar, attracting a diverse crowd of people from all over the world.

“Fundamentally, this festival is a celebration of working people’s power and their ability to achieve effective and transformational change.

“This year we follow a general election that voted overwhelmingly for a change of government and a Prime Minister that has committed to bringing a new Employment Bill in its first 100 days.”