Weymouth’s iconic clock will be illuminated in blue.

The Jubilee Clock on Weymouth promenade will light up blue from today until July 22.

The colour represents MV Freedom, a charity that provides people living with a disability access to the sea.

All skippers and crew members on board MV Freedom provide their services free of charge.

The10 metre motor catamaran has been specifically designed and built to cater for wheelchair users and those living with disability.

The service sees more than 2200 bookings per year and was set up around 37 years ago.

The remaining list of colours is as follows:

August: Blue for The Will Mackaness Trust, August 5 – 8.

September: Blue for the Alzheimer’s Society, September   20 – 23.

October: Green for The Nothe Fort, October 25-28.

November: Red for the Royal British Legion, November 7 – 11.

December: Yellow, red and blue for The Salvation Army, December 7 – 9.