A Dorset primary school has been recognised for its dedication to the environment.

Sherborne Primary School have been presented with the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award, with distinction.

The school has an active Eco Committee of students, led by teacher Fran Ellis and over the last year they have completed an environmental review of the school, working hard to ensure that they are reducing waste, energy, and being as eco-conscious as possible as a school. 

Year two pupil Eva said: “I have really enjoyed feeling like I’ve done a bit to help the planet.  I hope other children will be inspired to help the planet.”

Activities this year have included writing to their local MP about plastic pollution, meat-free Mondays, electricity-free days, litter picks, and much more

Teacher Fran Ellis said: “This has been as pupil-led as it could be, and I am really proud of the committee’s hard work and dedication. The school as a whole is becoming more and more environmentally aware, and we will continue to educate and drive these important issues.”