A couple were issued dispersal notices by police for being drunk and causing antisocial behaviour. 

Officers received a report this afternoon, Wednesday, July 17, of anti-social behaviour on the Esplanade by the Weymouth beach office and CCTV operators.

It was reported that a couple were drunk and that their behaviour was causing distress to families and passing members of the public.

They were issued dispersal notices, banning them from the town centre and the Esplanade for the following twelve hours. 

A spokesperson for Weymouth and Portland Police said" This afternoon we were alerted by our '100 Days of Summer' partners from Weymouth beach office and our CCTV operators to a couple on The Esplanade. They were drunk and causing anti-social behaviour.

"This behaviour was upsetting for families and passing members of public who were trying to enjoy the area on a nice afternoon.

"They were both issued dispersal notices, banning them from the town centre and the Esplanade for the following twelve hours. 

"Should they persist in causing issues they will be discussed at future meetings that we hold with partners and we will take further action to address their behaviour."