A WEYMOUTH primary school has applied for a public footpath to be closed over security risks to staff and pupils.

Radipole Primary School has made an application for the 'extinguishment' of a footpath which runs in between the school and its playing fields.

Footpath 131 would be closed between points A and B, whilst footpath 62 would be diverted from C-B-D to C-E-F-G-H-I-J-K to avoid the school groundsFootpath 131 would be closed between points A and B, whilst footpath 62 would be diverted from C-B-D to C-E-F-G-H-I-J-K to avoid the school grounds (Image: Dorset Council)

The school has also asked for another footpath on the south side of the school to be diverted so that it is outside the school grounds.

The application was discussed by members of Weymouth Town Council's Planning and Licensing Committee on Tuesday, July 16.

Cllr David Northam said: "There is a footpath which effectively runs through the school.

"The main issue is that dog owners use this footpath regularly and sometimes the dogs are off the lead.

"Some of the parents have been concerned about their children and the school has a file of incidents including dogs off their leads.

"There has also been a gentleman observed looking into the playground from the footpath, which was included on a list of concerns.

"Some children also have protection orders and there have been reports of related people using the footpath.

"It is a public footpath and so they can legally be there, but that could mean they can make contact with the children.

"On the other hand I have had residents say that they are concerned about the loss of the footpath."

Cllr Tim Young added: "There must be other opportunities to solve this.

"Any diversion is a long way round.

"It is fairly drastic to close that footpath, could it be closed during school times.

"I think we need to see alternative solutions."

Kathy McCann, headteacher at Radipole Primary School said: "In line with safeguarding policies and looking after our children, families and staff, we have sought guidance and applied for the diversion of a footpath that runs across the school grounds. 

"This diversion will not prevent anyone from continuing to use the footpath, but they would no longer walk across the school grounds. 

"Pedestrians would have to walk a little further to continue on the circular footpath around the school.  The 'closure' just means that there is no unfenced footpath on school grounds.

"We are not aware of other schools in the area that have a footpath running though school grounds."

The comment which was given by the committee said: "Weymouth Town Council needs to see some alternatives before making a comment.

"We feel a loss of this footpath would be a significant loss of amenity as the diversion is a very long way round."