A GARAGE at a Longham property has been granted retrospective permission to be altered to create a 5-bedroom home.

Dorset Council has agreed the planning request for the former garage to 1 Christchurch Road, with the building now having its own, separate access, onto Ringwood Road.

The agreed application involves raising the height and extending the garage to create a five-bedroomed detached house with its own parking spaces.

Full details of the proposal and other, recent, application in the east of the Dorset Council area can be seen by visiting the authority website using the references provided, below.

P/HOU/2024/03563: 18 Ashbrook Walk Lytchett Minster BH16 6HY. Demolition of conservatory and replacement with a garden room. Addition of solar panels to roof.

P/PABA/2024/03255: Alderholt Mill Farm Sandleheath Road Alderholt SP6 3EG. Erect an agricultural building to measure 18.3m in length, 3.67m height to the eaves, 9.15m breadth and 4.52m ridge height. Prior Approval Not Required P/VOC/2024/02600: 418 Merrifield Colehill BH21 7AJ. Replacement annexe (with variation to condition 2 of planning approval P/HOU/2022/08027: To amend plans to reduce the footprint and scale of development). Granted.

P/FUL/2024/02572: 1 Christchurch Road Longham BH22 8TD. Raise and extend roof of existing garage and convert it to form a 5 bedroom detached dwelling with on-site car parking and turning areas (revised design to that approved under planning permission P/FUL/2022/05596), together with the retention of new vehicular access off Ringwood Road. Granted.

P/ADV/2024/02562: 537 Ringwood Road Ferndown BH22 9AH. Internally illuminated fascia signage, neon illuminated 'bucket portal' feature around entrance door and non-illuminated vinyls affixed (externally) to south-east and south-west facing elevations of existing building. Granted.

P/HOU/2024/03112: 8 Coronation Close Verwood BH31 7PZ. Demolish outbuilding and erect single storey rear flat roof extension.

P/HOU/2024/03055: 2 Kestrel Way Alderholt SP6 3PT. Proposed close boarded fence to garden boundary and erect home office outbuilding.

P/HOU/2024/03206: 1 Ensor Mews Wimborne Minster BH21 1WW. Erect side extension into existing carport, to increase size of lounge area and additional glazing to rear elevation P/FUL/2024/03219:8 Warren Close Ashley Heath BH24 2AJ. Demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of 3no. linked detached houses with shared vehicular access (revised scheme)