Details from Weymouth magistrates court registers; June 24, 27, July 2, and 5.


CHARLIE ALLEN, aged 19, of Lomond Drive, Weymouth. Admitted to driving a motor vehicle on April 14 on Westwey Road, Weymouth after consuming so much alcohol the proportion on their blood was 97 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millitres of blood. The limit is 80 milligrammes. Disqualified from driving for 12 months, with a potential reduction of three months pending completion of a course. Fined £300. To pay court costs of £85 and a surcharge of £148.

ARRIAN KAVEH, aged 35, of St Thomas Street, Weymouth. Admitted to assault by beating in Weymouth on June 6, 2024. Given a conditional discharge of two years and to pay compensation of £50. Must pay court costs of £85 and a surcharge of £26.

CLAIR IRENE BIRTWELL, aged 53, of Dover Road, Weymouth. Admitted to using a motor vehicle at North Quay, Weymouth on July 12, 2023, without insurance. Driving licence endorsed with six penalty points. Fined £80 and must pay £110 court costs and a £32 surcharge.

RORY WILLIAM ZIMA, aged 29, of Culliford Way, Weymouth. Admitted to driving a motor vehicle on the A35 Puddletown Bypass on April 29, 2023, at a speed exceeding the 70mph limit, namely 98mph. Driving licence endorsed with five penalty points. Fined £533, must pay a surcharge of £213 and court costs of £110.

TERRY GARDINER, aged 38, of Grafton Avenue, Weymouth. Admitted to failing to comply with a community requirement of a suspended sentence order by failing to attend two appointments. Failed to provide evidence of a reasonable excuse for the absences within the agreed time limits. Fined £300 and to pay court costs of £60.

JORDAN COULTER, aged 22, of Sussex Road, Weymouth. Admitted to possession of cocaine at Crown Gate Square in Poundbury on May 23, 2022. Namely 8.24g. Also admitted to possession of 28g of herbal cannabis at the location on the same day. Fined £100 for each, drugs to be seized and destroyed. Must also pay £85 in court costs and a £50 surcharge.

NIGEL TREADWELL, aged 46, of Avenue Road, Weymouth. Admitted to failing to comply with a section 35 order excluding him from the Esplanade in Weymouth on May 22, 2024. Given a conditional discharge of six months.

LISA MATTHEWS, aged 60, of Brunswick Terrace, Weymouth. Admitted to driving a motor vehicle on Long Ash Lane, Maiden Newton on May 24, 2024 after consuming so much alcohol that the proportion on their breath was 56 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, exceeded the prescribed limit of 35 microgrammes. Disqualified from driving for 14 months with a potential reduction period of 14 weeks pending completion of a course. Fined £140 and must pay court costs of £85 and a surcharge of £48.

JOHNATHON COONEY, aged 40, of Kirtleton Avenue, Weymouth.  Admitted to assault by beating on Preston Road, Weymouth on April 4, 2024. Must pay compensation of £75 and a fine of £100.


AARON JOHN THOMAS, aged 23, of Westcliff Road, Portland. Admitted to driving a motor vehicle on New Road, Portland at a speed exceeding the limit of 30mph, namely 40mph. Disqualified from driving for 21 days, to pay court costs of £110 and a surcharge of £44.

LOGAN CHESTER, aged 18, of Lovells Croft, Portland. Admitted to assault by beating of an emergency worker, namely a police constable at Lovells Croft on June 15, 2024. Also admitted to causing £108.05 in criminal damage by spitting in a police van on the same day at Weymouth Police Station. Given a 12-month community order. Must abstain from drinking with a monitor for 100 days. Must complete 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days and 60 hours of unpaid work and pay £50 in compensation.