Weldmar Hospicecare’s charity shop in Weymouth has reopened with an eye-catching new look.

The shop is now much larger, having incorporated the former Weldmar clearance shop next door, with one side dedicated to sustainable fashion and the other full of books, homeware and small furniture.

Both sides of the larger shop in St Thomas Street are accessible from the pavement and internally.

The shop includes information about the specialist end-of-life care that Weldmar provides to adults in Dorset with a life limiting illness, so shoppers know exactly where the money they help raise is going.

Emma Mills, Senior Sister at Weldmar's Inpatient Unit in Dorset, cut the ribbon to officially reopen the shop, and was joined by the shop staff and volunteers.

Shop Manager Laura Rawlins is extremely pleased with how the refurbishments have taken shape.

She said: “I think the shop is amazing and it turned out a lot better than I could have ever imagined. It is a really nice area to work in and the space is brilliant and looks clean and fresh.”

Jean has volunteered at the shop for 10 years and thinks it looks absolutely amazing, she said “It was always a lovely shop but now it is just different and even more lovely. It is now a much more modern shop, it is brilliant.”

The St Thomas Street shop is open Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm, and from 10am to 4pm on Sundays. Donations of quality, pre-loved items are welcome, and anyone interested in volunteering can pop in and speak to a member of the team.