CHAOS around two Dorchester schools could be eased by a complete ban on all traffic in two roads at key times.

Bad feeling between parents and residents has been rumbling on for more than two years around St Osmund’s Middle School and adjoining Manor Park First.

On one occasion the police were called as tempers flared and a series of road restrictions were tried, including wooden bollards driven into grass banks to stop verge parking.

But despite the changes the complaints have continued about parking across drives, on verges on nearby roads in the area, and on corners. Some parents are now  turning up an hour early to ‘bag’ their parking spots at pick-up time.

Now Dorset Council is proposing a ban on all traffic along the lower sections of Barnes Way at school pick up and drop-off time and new no waiting zones along one side of Mellstock Avenue and Rothesay Road.

The ban on vehicles on two sections of Barnes Way is proposed from 8.20am until 9am and 2.55pm until 3.35pm on every school day. At the moment school staff are operating barriers at the Barnes Way entrance to restrict traffic into the section.

On the two areas of Mellstock Avenue and Rothsay Road Monday to Friday restrictions are planned from 8 until 9am and from 3 until 4pm with no waiting at any time coming into force at the junction of Rothsay and Mellstock.

Public comments on the proposals have to be received at County Hall no later than July 19th.

Dorchester town council welcomed the proposals at a planning and environment committee meeting.

Cllr Molly Rennie said the schools has worked with parents and residents on their own informal parking rules but it had broken down.

“People are again ignoring the rules. Unless we support this we will be back to chaos again. It only affects a short period of time a couple of times a day,” she said.

Cllr Robin Potter also welcomed the proposed orders, but warned that even with new lines in place and a complete traffic ban in Barnes Way, which is divided into two sections, it would only work if Dorset Council traffic wardens were prepared to enforce the new rules.

Said Cllr Les Fry: “This sends a message out. If enforcement is missing they will need to step up and do it.”

Illustration – The two sections of Barnes Way ikely to be closed to traffic at school pick up and drop off.

Illustration  - The sections of Mellstock Avenue and Rothsay Road to have new parking restrictions.

Pic – Barnes Way, which will have a traffic ban at pick up and drop off times ( 2 photos each showing a different section of the road) Pic – Outside Manor Park First school.

Pic – Mellstock Avenue at pick up time.

Pic – Rothsay Road at pick up time.

Pic – Parking spills over into Weatherbury Way at peak times, where no restrictions are being proposed.