A FAMILY is relieved and thankful after their dad who fell ill in Turkey has finally been brought home.

As previously reported, Malcolm Stocker - the former landlord of the Duke of Albany in Weymouth - became ill while on holiday with his partner in the popular holiday resort of İçmeler near Marmaris.

After being rushed to hospital on May 19, Mr Stocker, 68, was placed into a coma for two weeks, which was followed by a very slow recovery. His family worked hard to support him, making trips to Turkey.

They also launched a fundraiser to help pay for his medical bills after the hospital demanded more than £20,000.

His family said Mr Stocker had been unable to get insurance for his holiday due to pre-existing heart conditions.

Read more: Seriously ill former pub landlord stranded in Turkey

Seven weeks after being hospitalised, Mr Stocker was discharged and declared well enough to travel and is now back in the UK, his plane landing at 3am last Thursday.

Lee and Malcolm Stocker before they flew back (Image: Lee Stocker)

Mr Stocker's son Lee, who is a Weyline Taxi driver, was determined to stay by his side and spent six and a half weeks with him in Turkey. He said: "It is a huge relief to be back on home turf. It has been an absolute nightmare not knowing what was happening one day to the next.

"Dad is doing ok. He still doesn't feel well and is struggling with mobility after seven weeks in bed."

Briefly stopping at Dorset County Hospital in Dorchester for a check-up, Mr Stocker is now resting at his home in Exmouth, Devon.

The family say at one point the hospital demanded £20k whilst Mr Stocker was still seriously ill, and were concerned they would not be able to travel until they paid it.

The hospital bill briefly exceeded £40k, but the family were able to bring it down to £25k with the help of a Turkish lawyer - whom the family would also like to thank.

Members of the public raised £17,000 towards the medical bills and the family paid the remainder.

Lee Stocker, who is looking forward to returning to work this week, said: "Everyone that donated is absolutely amazing. Without all the help and support of the people who donated we would not be here right now."

Malcolm Stocker was born and raised in Weymouth and has since retired to Exmouth.

Before he flew home his daughter Emma-Jane said: "Without everyone's kind donations, we wouldn't even be able to get to this stage of discussing Dad's return, so we cannot thank each and every single one of you enough."

Lee Stocker would also like to thank his employer Weyline, who paid for his hotel in Turkey, allowing him to stay by his father's side.