Tony Lowe, the Weymouth- born swing singer, returns home this summer for a series of outdoor concerts.

The performer has become known for his 'velvet voice' and his repertoire of much loved rat pack style songs.

His first concert kicks off on Sunday, July 14 on the bandstand in Greenhill Gardens, Weymouth, beginning at 2pm.

Following the success of all his concerts across Dorset last summer season, even more dates have been added to the tour for this year.

These include Dorchester Borough Gardens on Sunday, July 28 at 1pm; a return to Dorchester Borough Gardens on Sunday, August 11 at 2pm; Greenhill Gardens in Weymouth on Sunday, August 25 at 2pm and back at Dorchester Borough Gardens on Sunday, September 1 at 2pm.

At many of his performances Tony will be collecting money in aid of Weldmar Hospicecare Trust. 

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Tony said: "The audiences last summer were just outstanding.

"The taste for swing music seems to have even more flavour recently and this has been reflected in both crowd numbers and appreciation of this wonderful music. I'm so excited to be performing again this summer in my home county."

Tony and his wife have just co-directed a run of the Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta, The Mikado, in Brussels.

Delighted audiences gave standing ovations in response to the outstanding production of this classic work. Tony will be performing in The Buxton Opera House as the Mikado on 8th August in another take on the operetta by the SavoyNet Performing Group.

For all Tony's performance dates, checkout his website and local media sites.