A BBC wildlife presenter has backed a Dorchester protest against illegal hunting.

Local wildlife campaigners will return to South Street on July, Saturday, July 13, to march through the town to protest against what it claims is the start of the cub-hunting in Dorset. 

Since 2004, fox hunting has been banned in the UK, but protesters will once again voice their concerns over claims that there are too many ‘loopholes’ in the current legislation which allow hunts to chase and kill of animals,.

The march, which will get underway at 1pm from the Town Pump, has also been backed by Chris Packham, who presents the BBC wildlife show Springwatch from RSPB Arne.

Campaigners will be calling for the new government to close 'legal loopholes' which it says allows foxes to be killed under the smokescreen of trail hunting.

Trail hunting is still practised by hunt groups as a legal way of mimicking traditional hunting by following a scent trail made by animal urine.

Mr Packham who has urged members of the public to join the march in Dorchester.

He said: "Fox hunting is illegal yet, week in and out, we see hunts exposed violently and illegally killing our wildlife using the smokescreen of trail hunting to justify their anachronistic savagery.

"Each year to train hounds these lawless gangs roam our countryside, massacring fox cubs as they venture out of their dens.

"I encourage everyone to join the march at 1pm on July 13 starting on Dorchester's South Street to demand and end to cub hunting and an end to all crime against our wildlife."

John Woods, who is organising the march said: "We have reached a very dark time in the countryside.

"Mother foxes have given birth to beautiful cubs and will leave their dens in search of food for their children.

"To end the horror of cub hunting we need a firm commitment from the new government that loopholes in 2004 hunting act will be closed and that wildlife will have legal protection."

As reported, in April, 50 to 60 people marched through the county town in protest.

The march was designed to raise awareness about fox hunting whilst also demanding Dorset Police enforce the laws more strictly.