Pupils at a primary school in Dorset received a standing ovation after performing a song they wrote at an educational conference.

Southill Primary School POP stars opened the Dorset Education Conference held at Weymouth College last week.

The theme of the day was One of a Kind, celebrating the uniqueness of every child and young person in Dorset. It was attended by leaders in education from across the county, which included youth representatives, guest speakers and authors who travelled to attend.

POP stars from the school took to the stage and performed two songs with plenty of enthusiasm, and received a three minute applause and standing ovation.

The pupils were accompanied by Dan Bell on guitar and sang a cover of Pink’s Cover Me in Sunshine, as well as a special song written and composed with Mr Bell, entitled Just Be You.

Just Be You was also performed at the Chesil Youth Pride event.

The lyrics to the song, Just Be You, written and composed by pupils at Southill Primary School;

Embrace your differences now
Never let words bring you down
Don’t worry, be yourself
You’re great just the way you are

Even if you have a twin
You still have different fingerprints
It doesn’t matter what they think
Don’t be a sheep, be unique

Embrace your differences now
Never let words bring you down
Don’t worry, be yourself
You’re great just the way you are

You are light in someone’s life
You are sunshine in the dark
Step forward and make your mark
Just be you, You’re the best!

Embrace your differences now
Never let words bring you down
Don’t worry, be yourself
You’re great just the way you are