Lord Frost, Chief Brexit Negotiator and Europe Adviser to PM Boris Johnson spent the day campaigning with South Dorset parliamentary candidate Richard Drax in Swanage and Corfe Castle.

The veteran diplomat, civil servant and politician accompanied Drax to lunch with publican Michael Turner, at the Castle Inn in Corfe Castle.

They then moved on to Swanage, where they met Gavin Johns, chairman of Swanage railway.

Mr Drax said: “Gavin explained how the volunteers rebuilt the Railway, virtually from scratch with their bare hands.

“We were there when a renovated steam locomotive came in and were invited onto the footplate with the engine driver and the fireman, while the train reversed onto another line.

"It was astonishingly hot and the dials and levers were bewildering. Unsurprisingly, it takes five years to learn how to drive these old steam trains. It was a joy to watch; I take my hat off to these enthusiasts!”

Richard then showed Lord Frost an area of erosion near the beach, for which several million pounds will be needed in essential funding for shoring-up works.

Lord Frost then left to support Anthony Mangnall in his Devon constituency, while Drax moved on to a public meeting in Swanage.

“It was a real pleasure to see David Frost here,” says Drax. “He was one of the original, arch Brexiteers and writes a wonderful column in the Telegraph which makes so much sense and explains the predicament we are in. He is a true blue Conservative and I only wish there were more of him. I thank him for his support.”

Lord Frost said, “I greatly enjoyed visiting and campaigning for Richard Drax in South Dorset yesterday. I saw for myself how highly regarded he is in the constituency and how much he has done as MP. He has shown how much a properly conservative approach can achieve and I urge all conservatives to vote for him on 4 July."