Richard Drax, parliamentary candidate for South Dorset, was joined by Baroness Hoey, former Labour minister and MP for Vauxhall, at events in Weymouth.

Drax and crossbench peer Kate Hoey began their day at Weymouth Pavilion, where they met Phil Say, who now runs the theatre, and his partner, Louise Dominey.

Say led them into the theatre and updated the Baroness on the Pavilion’s remarkable renaissance.

Mr Drax said: “Phil bravely took on the Pavilion from the Council and through sheer hard work and determination, has turned it around.

“Now it attracts many outside acts, while also providing a home for local organisations.”

Accompanied by Dorset Cllr, Louie O’Leary, Drax and Baroness Hoey left the Pavilion to see the military vehicles for Weymouth Armed Forces’ weekend parked outside. A walk down the Esplanade was followed by ice cream at the newly refurbished Napoli café, run by Jason Hurford and his family.

Next, came Weyfish, where Sean Cooper has made a huge success of his fishmonger and restaurant, before moving to the Front Skatepark in Greenhill, which was a hive of activity.

The team ended their day in Littlemoor, where they knocked on doors and chatted to residents.

Baroness Hoey who was a Labour MP for 30 years but left the Party when Keir Starmer called for another referendum on the EU, said during her visit, “I support Richard because he stood firm on his promises on leaving the EU and puts his country before his party.

"His constituency is huge but he knows it inside out and I met so many people who want to see him re-elected. Reform voters know that the Reform candidate is a paper one and understand that only Richard will continue to fight for them in Parliament.”

Mr Drax added:  “It was a great day and I am grateful to Baroness Hoey and Louie O’Leary for their time and enthusiasm. Weymouth was looking its absolute best - sparkling and vibrant – and the Armed Forces’ Day celebrations added to the festive atmosphere.”