An outdoor performance of Shakespeare’s classic love story will be coming to Portland.

The theatre company Illyria will be returning to the Pennsylvania Castle Estate to perform Romeo and Juliet on Tuesday, July 23.

Audiences will get to experience the classic of star-crossed lovers from divided families in an open area venue, as the gardens are transformed into fair Verona.

All profits made from the ticket sales will go towards the Islanders Youth and Community Centre which is the estate’s chosen charity for this year.

There has been an ongoing campaign to save the centre after it faced closure in 2022.

Last year, members of the community have helped to raise just under £8,000 which will go towards refurbishing the building on East Weare Road, which was in "dire need" of repairs.

READ MORE: Fight to save Islanders Youth and Community Centre continues

The gates will open at 6pm for a 7pm start and guests are invited to bring chairs, picnics and blankets as the story of the Montagues and Capulets unfolds around them. 

Tickets can be purchased on the Ticketsource website: