A disgruntled chef stole laptops and cash from a hotel where he used to work, claiming the business owed him money.

42-year-old Gareth Revens, of Franchise Street in Weymouth, appeared before Weymouth Magistrates’ Court yesterday, where he pleaded guilty to theft.

The court was told that, on December 3, 2023, at the Admiralty Hotel and Restaurant on Portland, Revens stole cash, laptops and a pocket watch to the value of £4,000 from the staff office while trespassing. He used to work at the hotel but had left by this point.

Nicola Reece, prosecuting, said: “Staff attended work on December 4 and noticed items were missing.

“They checked CCTV footage and recognised Reeves. He was seen entering corridors and trying to conceal his identity with a head scarf.

“CCTV is not in the staff office but CCTV from the car park shows him entering in his partner’s car.

“He stole a Lenovo Thinkbook, a gaming laptop, a pocket watch and £500 in cash and sweets.

“He handed himself in to police and made admissions to police. He said he stole £230 and laptops but denied stealing the pocket watch. He felt the hotel owed him his October salary.

“As yet, nothing has been recovered.”

Patricia Sheehan, mitigating, said: “Reeves maintains what he took, to the penny, and he maintains he did not take any personal items, but he has admitted to the offence in general terms.

“He is ex-army and was a chef at the hotel. He felt he was not treated fairly and left with money being owed to him.

“He became fixated on the money owed; it was coming up to Christmas and there was a lot of pressure."

She told the court Revens hadn't had any convictions for four years but that he had been battling a cocaine problem. 

“[Revens] has admitted he has a cocaine problem since leaving the army," she said. "Three weeks ago he signed up with Reach. However, he said the reason he stole the items was because of the money he was owed and not for drugs.”

For this reason, the case was adjourned until August 1 for pre-sentence reports to be prepared ahead of sentencing.

He was released on unconditional bail.