Care home residents from Sherborne have been thanking staff for all their hard work as part of National Carers' Week. 

Residents at Trinity Manor Care Home treated staff member at the home to a continental breakfast made by  the in-house head chef, as well as plenty of sweet treats to celebrate their amazing work throughout this past year.

They also gave thanks by making handmade cards and handwritten letters to carers with a small gift of thanks for all that they do at a summer party.

Shelia Kempster, a resident at Trinity Manor said: “We’ve all had such a lovely time today, it really is a joy to be able to thank our wonderful carers for all that they do. 

"They really are heaven sent.”

National Carers Week is an annual event to raise awareness of caring, highlighting the challenges carers face, and recognising the contribution they make to residents, families and communities throughout the UK.

The theme for Carers Week this year was ‘putting carers on the map’ to try to raise awareness in an election year for the huge contribution carers make to society.

The week took place from June 10 to June 16.

Sohail Daniel senior general manager said: “It is so wonderful to be able to celebrate Carers Week and thank our fantastic carers with a summer party in our garden, and to be able to welcome the community, relatives and friends. Everyone has had such a brilliant day.”