AN eerie 'skull' has appeared on a cliff-face in Dorset.

The image was spotted by Amanda Thompson while she was walking along Swanage Beach.

She said: "The image is on the cliff on Swanage beach at its most northern point by the local cairn.

(Image: Amanda Thompson)

"I enjoy this walk and generally looking at the rock formations and colours as they are ever-changing and it was when I was looking upwards yesterday it noticed it and think it is new."

It appears that the image has been formed by patches of vegetation growing on the rockface.

(Image: Amanda Thompson)

Amanda, from Swanage, added: "I leave the interpretation of the image to each individual to make.

"It doesn’t have to be sinister and is a piece of art but created by nature in this case coastal erosion and vegetation….

 "It is ironic that it has appeared by a local cairn but a pure coincidence."