Ahead of the general election on Thursday, July 4, the candidates for South and West Dorset have spoken to The Echo about why they should get your vote.

Each day, one candidate will be featured. Today's candidate is Joy Wilson

Joy Wilson, Independent parliamentary candidate for South Dorset:

"Joy Wilson is married with three grown up children living in rural Dorset.

"After a long career in the voluntary sector working with older people in London, she now spends her time as a carer to her elderly mother.

"After being exposed to horror stories and despair of women after abortion, she now campaigns for a change in the law to protect them and the precious little children.

"She is also passionate about restoring Christian morality and values back to the core of the nation as the foundation for a just society, valuing everyone and tackling societal issues.

"She can be found out on the local streets at least twice a month sharing the Gospel bringing hope back to people in these times."