A 17-year-old girl has been arrested on suspicion of arson after a fire broke out in a bungalow this morning. 

Emergency services were called to a property fire at Sunnyside Road in Weymouth shortly after 10.30am to a blaze believed to have been started in the bedroom. 

Two crews from Weymouth fire station were sent to the scene as well as police officers. 

A 17-year-old girl was arrested on suspicion of arson and remains in custody at this time. A 17-year-old girl was arrested on suspicion of arson and remains in custody at this time. (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

A Dorset and Wiltshire fire service watch manager said at the scene: "The fire started from the bedding. We suspect it was set on fire but we are investigating.

"The person who discovered the fire did his best to put it out. Then we arrived and made sure it was out.

"It could have been much worse - 100 per cent."

The watch manager at the scene suspected it was set on fire deliberatelyThe watch manager at the scene suspected it was set on fire deliberately (Image: Supplied)

A 17-year-old girl was subsequently arrested on suspicion of arson and remains in custody at this time, according to Dorset Police. 

Local residents described what they saw while the incident was ongoing.

One said: “I saw when they arrived, heard the sirens going and a police car arriving." 

Another resident said: "We heard the sirens. I thought it was coming from the school but I guess not."

A concerned person nearby added: "I saw a fire engine going up. I feel sorry for all the people concerned."

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: "We received a report at 10.40am from the fire service in relation to a property fire at an address in Sunnyside Road in Weymouth.

Firefighters left the scene at around 12pmFirefighters left the scene at around 12pm (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

"Officers have attended the scene and have liaised with the fire service.

"It is reported that the cause of the fire is believed to be deliberate and one person has been detained in connection with the incident.

"Officers left the scene at around 11.50am. A 17-year-old girl remains in custody at this time. Enquiries are ongoing."

A spokesperson for Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue said: "A crew from Weymouth were called to a property fire on Sunnyside Road, Weymouth at 10.35am this morning.

"The incident involved a fire in the bedroom which firefighters extinguished using a hose reel jet. Police also attended."