Ahead of the general election on Thursday, July 4, the candidates for South and West Dorset have spoken to The Echo about why they should get your vote.

Richard Drax, Conservative parliamentary candidate for South Dorset:

"IT’S extraordinary what teamwork can achieve. It’s rarely just the MP. Over 14 years, I have witnessed the talent and commitment of a wide range of people, helping to unlock doors and encourage aspiration.

"Saving a quarry company, halting an eyesore windfarm off our Jurassic coast, working with schools and the college for the benefit of the young and retaining Swanage Hospital, I have given my all whenever asked.

"Of course, more can be done.

"We need to attract investment from the private sector, bringing with it proper jobs and careers. Tourism is vital for our coastal resorts, but not an over reliance on it.

"Education, apprenticeships and genuinely affordable homes remain firmly on my agenda. I welcome an increase in police numbers, but more are needed.

"In our rural community, I have long worked with farmers who produce our food.

"I have fought for more defence funding, representing as I did two large military bases. To serve is a privilege; to continue would be an honour."