A COUNCIL says an overgrown cemetery which has caused a stir among residents is due to be cut back this week. 

Relatives of family members buried at Melcombe Regis cemetery in Weymouth have voiced their concerns about the site's unkempt state.

Gravestones were shown to be almost completely covered by grass and wildflowers.

Others have been more supportive of allowing grass and wildflowers at the site to grow.

READ MORE: Beautiful or disgraceful? Weymouth cemetery debate

The top part of the site, off Longcroft Lane, has already been cut back but the lower part of the cemetery is very overgrown.

Weymouth Town Council said recent wet and warm weather led to excessive grass growth at the cemetery.

Weymouth Town Council has stated that recent wet and warm weather has led to excessive grass growthWeymouth Town Council has stated that recent wet and warm weather has led to excessive grass growth (Image: NQ)

It has now been confirmed that the rest of the site is due to be cut this coming week.

The area on the right of the main entrance will remain uncut until autumn as part of Weymouth Town Council's plan to enhance biodiversity. 

Some residents described the cemetery's current state as a “disgrace" and "disrespectful" to people who have loved ones buried there.

Alanna Denise Wyatt said: "It's a cemetery, consecrated ground it's not a wildlife park, I am all for wildlife but in the case of a cemetery then a compromise has to be made. This is all wrong on so many levels."

Others have stressed the importance in allowing fields to grow to boost biodiversity, with Lorraine Preece describing the current state as "nature at its beautiful best."

One person described the site as nature at its beautiful bestOne person described the site as nature at its beautiful best (Image: NQ)

She added: "There’s nothing nicer in my opinion to see wild flowers growing and it’s so good for the pollinators and birds which will also feed off the insects which will be aplenty."

A spokesperson for Weymouth Town Council said: "The remaining area of Melcombe Cemetery to be cut will be completed (this) week. There will still be an area that remains uncut as part of our ‘living cemetery’ plan to enhance biodiversity, as per the guidelines for this, won't be cut until autumn.

"Living cemeteries and their biodiversity will be discussed by the Environment and Services Committee on July 10 at 7pm in the council chamber."