CHEERS – Dorchester’s Crown Square could be getting its first cocktail bar – combined with a coffee shop.

Town councillors, including those who represent the Duchy’s Poundbury estate area, have welcomed the idea although it has yet to be decided by Dorset Council.

Two currently empty commercial units in Crown Square, amounting to just under 100 square metres, have been earmarked for the venture which will need planners to sanction a change of use.

If it goes ahead the business is expected to employ up to three staff.

The two adjoining units, both empty, are part of the Crown Hall building which has flats above and alongside what were originally intended as shop or office units, but had not attracted anyone to lease to units.

Poundbury councillor David Leaper said that while he welcomed the proposed new use for the building he would expect Dorset Council, which will decided the application, to limit the hours the business can be open in the evenings.

The application comes from Poole-based Morrish Homes, one of the developers who have been developing the Duchy of Cornwall’s Poundbury.

Dorset Council environmental health say that, if approved, a noise assessment will be required and any noise attenuation suggested by it will have to be approved before opening, possibly also involving a restriction on opening hours.