Dorset wildlife conservationists are calling for politicians to make environmental issues a 'top priority' ahead of the general election.

The call comes after a new poll revealed how badly people think the main parties are faring on tackling the nature and climate crisis.

The poll was conducted by Savanta and commissioned by The Wildlife Trusts; 2,221 UK adults were interviewed between May 31 and June 2 

It reveals that the majority of the public think the main parties are doing poorly on river pollution (78 per cent), nature loss (71 per cent), climate change (69 per cent), ensuring communities can benefit from nature (65 per cent), and supporting sustainable food production (63 per cent). 

And yet the poll shows environmental issues are a key concern for voters ahead of the July 4 election.

Over two thirds think that nature is important for their wellbeing and economic prosperity, with 59 per cent of people considering environmental issues to be at least as important as other issues facing the country

Just over one third of voters also revealed that they will vote based on environmental policies offered by candidates 

Dorset Wildlife Trust’s Chief Executive, Brian Bleese is calling for all politicians to take action on environmental issues facing the country and highlighted the plight of Dorset species that are disappearing.

He said: "We are at a crossroads for wildlife and the natural environment.

"Nationally one in six species are at risk of extinction and in Dorset, one in 40 species previously recorded are no longer present.

"The environment must be a top priority in this election and this poll clearly shows that everyone needs to speak up for nature and find out what political parties plan to do to address the climate and ecological crises.” 

The new poll also asked people to identify environmental priorities for the next government.

The top five were ensuring nature is properly protected in our seas, halving pollution in rivers from sewage and farming by 2030, upgrading the energy efficiency of homes to tackle fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions, helping farmers reduce emissions and adapt to climate change by embedding adaptation into farm payment schemes, and providing more money to support nature-friendly farming. 

Following the poll, Dorset Wildlife Trust is now calling on all political parties to heed voter concern and pledge bold action on the twin emergencies of nature and climate crises.

It is asking politicians to commit to the following actions to halt and reverse the loss of nature.

  • · Tackling the climate emergency, reducing emissions while adapting to change, protecting blue carbon in our seas, and upgrading energy efficiency for homes. 
  • · Bringing back the UK’s lost wildlife: protecting and restoring 30% of land and sea by 2030, stopping damage to Marine Protected Areas, and bringing back beavers. 
  • · Ending river pollution and water scarcity: enforcing the law, halving nutrient pollution, and protecting chalk streams. 
  • · Funding wildlife-friendly farming: increasing the budget for nature-friendly farming, halving pesticide use, and supporting farmers to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change. 
  • · Enabling healthy communities: growing community-based health services, guaranteeing a right to a healthy natural environment, and supporting children to learn in and about nature.