Dogs have 'attacked' a herd of cattle in north Dorset causing 'significant disturbance'.

Dorset Police will be interviewing a suspect in relation to a report of livestock worrying and criminal damage after a farmer's cattle were attacked.

Officers from the Rural Crime Team have been conducting enquiries following the incident and will be speaking to the suspect in 'the coming days'.

The force has also issued a reminder to all dogs owners about keeping their dogs under control around livestock.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police's Rural Crime Team said: "Officers from the team have been out conducting enquiries in relation to a report of livestock worrying and criminal damage in the north Dorset area.

"On this occasion, dogs have reportedly attacked a farmers cattle causing a significant disturbance.

"A suspect has been identified and will be attending the police station for an interview in the coming days. Keep your dogs on leads around livestock. Even if you don’t think so, your dog can kill. #55240077067 #DorsePoliceRuralCrimeTeam #ProtectYourDogProtectLivestock