A DOUBLE-DECKER sized surprise made a leavers' ball even more special for Weymouth students.

Westfield Arts College students were delighted when they discovered they would be travelling on a open-topped double decker bus to their Sixth Form Spectacular.

The emotional event was held at The Closet nightclub in Weymouth town centre to give the youngsters 'a nightclub experience'.

And there was a party atmosphere as the 35 attendees journeyed to their bash to bid farewell to their classmates and teachers.

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Susie Jeffcott, head of sixth form, said: "They had the time of their lives.

"One of the boys said: 'This is the best night of my life'.

"Because a lot of them had their prom in year 11 they have made lots of friends with people of different year groups and wanted them to come along.

"It was very sad saying goodbye to everyone. They gave little speeches about their life which was lovely.

"There was a brilliant atmosphere on the bus going down there."

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Most of the leavers will be going on to college with one going on to work with his dad and another student set to learn the unique trade of blacksmithing at Kingston Maurward College near Dorchester. 

Staff at Westfield would like to thank all the local businesses and individuals who made the night possible.

The school's Kate Shaw said: "Students and staff enjoyed it immensely. 

"It all went ahead because of the generosity of local businesses.

"Having the bus was a fantastic surprise and we'd like to thanks Leanne Rowland-Bright and James Shaw from First Group for giving up their time. 

"We'd also like to thank Jamie Crage from The Closet and Carl Greenham from Ultimate Party Nights for supplying the photo booths and acting as DJ. Without their generosity it wouldn't be possible."