A Dorset charity has taken part in an international conference on child sexual abuse.

The CEO of the Dorset charity ACTS FAST has just returned from Taiwan where she spoke about the pioneering work of the charity.

The charity works nationally supporting families impacted by child sexual abuse and Simone Gosden was joined by speakers from across the globe at The 2024 International Symposium "Exploring Family Support and Parenting Policies from a Well-being Perspective" in Taipei.

The event was hosted by the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families with eighteen speakers from six different countries sharing research and best practice from their area of expertise.

Ms. Gosden delivered a presentation to the conference where she shared the work of ACTS FAST and how the charity’s therapeutic approach and new model of working is supporting parents to lead in their children’s recovery from abuse.

She said: "I was honoured to be invited to speak at such a prestigious event bringing together academics and practitioners from around the world, each leading in their fields using progressive approaches to support families impacted by trauma.

"I’m really proud of the work of ACTS FAST. With so many support services in the UK stretched beyond capacity children and their families do not always receive the support they deserve. ACTS FAST takes a different approach, we support parents to help them lead in the care and recovery of their children.

"Taiwan Fund for Children and Families organised this incredible symposium which brought a fresh and innovative approach to this work".