Two people that were reportedly drinking on the street were issued dispersal orders by police. 

Officers patrolling the quayside in Weymouth came across two street drinkers whilst out as part of the 100 Days of Summer initiative yesterday evening (Wednesday, June 12).

According to police, both individuals were ‘incredibly intoxicated and abusive.’

They were issued with a section 35 dispersal order, and were removed from the area for a specific amount of time.   

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: “Town Centre Neighbourhood Policing Officers have been patrolling the quay side in Weymouth Town Centre to disrupt our local street drinking community and deter them from congregating and causing anti-social behaviour.

“As a result of our 100 Days Of Summer patrol we came across two street drinkers in a growing group who were incredibly intoxicated and abusive. Both individuals were issued section 35 dispersal orders and removed from the area for a specific period of time.

“Section 35 Dispersal Orders come under the Anti-Social Behaviour legislation and provide Police Officers with the power to remove individuals who are either causing or likely to cause ASB for a specific period of time.

“This legislation comes with a power of arrest should the individual then breach the order by returning to the exclusion zone within the designated period of time. This legislation is proving incredibly successful and a great deterrent to the minority who persist with bringing themselves to our attention.”