A memorial bench at a park in West Dorset has been vandalised. 

One of the benches at the Memorial Playing Fields in Beaminster has been targeted by vandals. 

A concerned member of the public said: "We feel so sad that these things happen in broad daylight at our park."

According to the person, the incident took place sometime yesterday afternoon (Tuesday, June 11). 

Cllr Craig Monks of the Beaminster Ward, said: "I was very sorry to hear about the damaged caused to a memorial bench in the playing fields in Beaminster yesterday. I am aware that that the town council will be reporting this damage to Dorset Police.

"Thankfully these incidents are not common place in Beaminster. Our local Policing teams have stepped up patrols to prevent crimes like these and that when they do occur the suspects are identified and dealt with swiftly."

Anyone with any relevant information is asked to contact Dorset Police.