A family said they are 'devastated' after they returned from a folk festival to find their car written off. 

Jessica Sargeaunt, 37, and her family were shocked to return from a fun day at the Wimborne Folk Festival to find their car written off in Fairfield Road, after a driver apparently to hit its side, causing severe damage. 

She has been left frustrated by the incident and said she is upset that the other driver 'lacked the decency' to leave a note or apologise.

Jessica said: "We were lucky it happened after we've been away and we had to use the car but it's frustrating when it happens and they don't have the decency to leave a number or a note to apologise. 

"We were parked in a row of cars and ours was the only one that was hit so I still don't know how they've managed to do it.

"It was either a sheer accident and they've just run or more likely someone at the folk festival had too many to drink and got behind the wheel when they shouldn't have."

In conversation with insurance, Jessica has been lucky to have support from family to help get about while they search for a new car. 

However, Jessica has refused to let the situation make her any less of an optimist and stated that they will 'make the best of it' and even cycle the kids to school if needed. 

She said: "We're big believers everything happens for a reason so it happened and there's nothing we can do to change so we've got to roll with the punches and whatever we get paid, we'll make do with and find an alternative. 

"Someone is out there driving a car that is equally as damaged as ours."

Jessica and her family are soon set to move to Wimborne spending the last months restoring a house to move into. 

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: "At 4.05pm on Saturday 8 June 2024, we received a report that a parked vehicle had been damaged in Fairview Road.

"It is reported that the damage was sustained sometime between 10am and 3.45pm."

"Enquiries into the incident are ongoing. No arrests have been made."