RESIDENTS in a Dorset village say they fear events in a field adjoining the pub could lead to problems for them.

But the company behind the application says no extra events are being planned – all that is being sought is a change of licensing arrangements.

Dorset Police and others official consultees have not objected to the application from a wedding company, Blue Welly Events at Sutton Poyntz.

The objections will result in a public hearing into the licence application next week.

The events are planned for fields adjoining the Springhead pub with the New Premises Licence application wanting to use the area for weddings and ‘pop up events to include 'music, with the sale of alcohol’ between 10am and 11pm on any day of the week.

Fifteen objections had been received in response to the application with six sent to Dorset Council in favour, mainly saying previous events in the field have been well-organised and should be supported if the village wants the pub to stay open.

One objector claimed the licence could result in more than a thousand people coming to the village to party without the infrastructure to cope with the numbers.

“The only access to this field is the one narrow road that runs through the village which on a normal day can be congested with just residents. Adding hundreds more people and cars to that mix would completely disrupt village life. It would also pose a danger to all residents - but especially children and the elderly,” said the objector, who is not named.

“The granting of this licence would be an unthinkable invasion on the village and on the movement of residents. The cars, the footfall, the noise, that goes with such events would be intolerable.”

Dorset Police has not objected to the proposal although suggests only up to four ticketed event are held each year, between March and the end of September, one of which will be over the August Bank Holiday weekend. The Force requests that all events over 300 should be entry by ticket only, with neighbouring residents notified at least two weeks in advance.

The premises licence application has been submitted by Stephen Bown of Blue Welly Events Limited, the application stating that he is the sole director of the company and that among the events will be wedding celebrations.

Said Mr Bown in the application: “Our family has lived in the village for over 20 years and we have run the pub for over a decade, during this time we have always taken into consideration the village into everything we do. In conclusion: we are not doing anything different nor increasing anything that we already do. All we wish to do is have the opportunity to use the field when needed.”

Among the other events he lists is “dog shows and music festivals, cider festivals” with family events to include crafts markets.

Mr Bown says the events are no different than have been run in the past but he wanted to apply for the licence in his company name, rather than the pub, to enable more personal control of the events, rather than Punch Taverns.

Said Mr Bown: “We have no intentions of running late night events nor selling of alcohol past 11pm in line with the neighbouring pub therefor all audio/amplified music will be finished in a timely manner as to bring the event to a close.

Signage regarding respecting our neighbours regarding noise when leaving the premises will also be erected for relevant events.  For music festivals - professional sound engineers are employed to properly guide and control audio levels.”

The application is due to be heard by a panel of councillors at County Hall, Dorchester on June 18th at 1.30pm and will be open to the public.